It's Still Hot Here, But I Have Leaving Coming Up Soon
There hasn't been much interesting happening lately. Its been very hot, as one would expect in the desert. The daytime highs have averaged between 115 and 120 degrees. It wouldn't be so bad, except the uniform is long sleeved shirt and pants with bullet-proof vest, helmet, and weapons when we convoy. The guys that guard the base are in this uniform for 12 hours a day. It makes me appreciate the job that I have, as I only wear the "full battle-rattle" two or three times a week. The Blue Star Mothers have been nice enough to donate some cool-bands, which get cold when soaked in water and can be worn around the neck.
I've got a few weeks of leave coming up soon. I'm very excited for that. We can go just about anywhere in the world for leave. Some guys have gone to Australia, some have spent their time in Europe, but I think I will enjoy a few weeks in Minnesota. It'll be nice to get out on the lakes. I plan on spending some time in Duluth doing some kayaking and climbing as well. Of course, I will also spend as much time as I can with family and friends.
I've got a few weeks of leave coming up soon. I'm very excited for that. We can go just about anywhere in the world for leave. Some guys have gone to Australia, some have spent their time in Europe, but I think I will enjoy a few weeks in Minnesota. It'll be nice to get out on the lakes. I plan on spending some time in Duluth doing some kayaking and climbing as well. Of course, I will also spend as much time as I can with family and friends.